
I'm a PhD candidate in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. As part of the Educational Technology Collaborative lab group (link in the side bar), my research lies at the intersection of technology and education.

Specifically, I explore the interaction between how people use machine learning and AI systems to make decisions, and how that affects both computer models and educational outcomes. I've analyzed the effects on grade predictive models when students choose to opt-out of sharing their data, and also seek to better understand learners' privacy perceptions surrounding these decisions. My current work centers around AI-generated explanations and how that influences metacognitive judgements (summarized in the poster above).

Here, I also share some of the educational content I've created over the years from my experience teaching both in formal and informal settings, as well as research-related musings on education and learning analytics (and occasional miscellany). For details about my papers and projects, click the links above, and take a look at my guest lecture here (on Coursera as part of UM's Data Analytics in the Public Sector with R Specialization).